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"You never fail until you stop trying." - Albert Einstein


New member
It is extremely difficult for me, someone who goes to school, work, interns, actively involved in clubs, blogs, etc., to find time to write for myself. I tell myself all the time that I am going to spend a little time each day to write, but it never happens because I have always been someone who says he or she are going to do something but then never follows through. I saw this quote in the beginning of the month, and it has completely motivated me and changed my state of mind. I am going to fail as a writer if I don't take the time out of the day to write; therefore, I should make it a requirement of my day so it develops into a habit that turns into something that feels weird not doing on a daily basis. It also helps to truly understand the real meaning of failure. It won't matter to me personally if I never get published as a writer; however, it will matter if I stop writing. Thanks Albert
