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Music for Memory Improvement


New member
As I was thinking about this topic, it seems to me that music would make for an excellent way to improve memory, coordination, timing and a whole host of things. Since this forum is focused on memory, I'll stick to that.

Musica a host of things that can or must be memorized in order to play effectively. The type of music being played dictates the things to be committed to memory, but they all involve memorization. Contemporary music typically requires the memorization of notes and chords (combinations of notes to create a harmonious sound based around a core note), locations of notes on a given instrument, etc. More classical music would require memorizing the scale and how to read bars of music, as well as where the notes are on the instrument. All forms of musical composition (excepting, possibly Jazz) can be broken down into sections to be able to commit whole sections or songs to memory.

With all of this, it seems to me that music is an ideal "instrument" (pun intended) for improving memory. What are your thoughts? Has anyone tried this or found it to be true? Does anyone have a success story using music to improve your memory?


Yes I guess so being used to listening to music or singing songs can improve memory I think because of its lyrics? The more you listen to it your muscle memory responds which lets you memorize the lyrics by yourself automatically without really memorizing it manually. I also known some people who are good musician who are good in memorization maybe because they can read notes and has the skill of playing notes which uses memorization too.
