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If you think you've blown God's plan...


New member
One of my all time favorite quotes... because many times in life I thought I had messed up beyond hope of recovery.

"If you think you've blown God's plan for your life, rest in this: You, my beautiful friend, are not that powerful." *Lisa Bever

Lisa Bever Quote.jpg
So very true, yet I hear this complaint all the time! Planning takes time, and yes, sometimes it is stressful and there are pitfalls. Such is true of God's plan for each of us. We need to stay resilient and patient in order to enjoy the benefits of our individual destiny!


New member
I agree! We all experience ups and downs in life, and most of the times we end up blaming ourselves for it. This quote is very powerful in the sense that no matter how badly we are in the slumps, God always has something better planned for us.
