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  1. S

    Immerse Yourself in the Language

    Honestly, I think after 4 months of being in France you will have advanced SO much more than you would expect. Immersion truly is the best teacher- I took 7 years of Spanish (high school and college combined) and would consider myself fairly advanced in the language, but still not fluent. Two...
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    Habit building

    Hello! I would love to hear from some of you guys on tips for building new habits. I know it takes a certain amount of days to actually form a habit, but what are some other helpful tips for making something stick/finding motivation to actually make the new behavior a pattern?
  3. S

    Birthday resolutions

    Yesterday was my birthday, and every year I try to make some sort of resolution/plan for my next year of life. Last year, it was to write down something new I learned every day. I love this idea in theory, and still would love to put it into practice, but I just didn't do a great job of staying...
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    Breaking the “sugar addiction”

    Hi guys! Sugar is absolutely addicting- it affects some of the same pleasure centers in the brain as certain drugs, and that "high" you get from sugar is a real thing! Breaking those cravings can be so tough, especially if the habit centers around stress eating from sugar. Mindful eating is key...
  5. S

    Defining success as a young adult

    As a young working adult in today’s world, I often find myself struggling with what it means to be truly “successful.” I am employed, full time and part time- I live independently, support myself, maintain a healthy social life, take care of my body physically and mentally, but sometimes I...
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    Weight Managament

    I’m so sorry you’ve been through that! 500 calories a day is in no way sustainable or healthy! At such a low number, your body goes into starvation mode, which means it dramatically slows down your metabolism and throws everything out of whack. Starving yourself is not a successful or enjoyable...
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    Working from home

    These responses are awesome!! Some of the main things that help me are always getting up early- my schedule is completely at my discretion, so technically speaking I could sleep in until noon every day and just work until 8/9 at night. My morning routine has been immensely helpful for me- I get...
  8. S

    Improving Yourself (42 Ways)

    I love this list!! Three of my favorites are 1. Read a book every day, 8. Wake up early, and 38. Show kindness to the people around you. These are three practices that I have personally been working on adopting into my life for a while- reading everyday is a great way to keep my mind stimulated...
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    Working from home

    I have been working from home for a year now, and while I feel like I have a successful system set up, I am always on the lookout for tips to improve my own work by modifying my environment or adopting new habits. Does anyone have experience working from home or any favorite tips/ways to be...
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    Weight Managament

    Hi! I work full time as a health coach, and I want you guys to know you are not alone in the seemingly never ending “diet struggle.” As a professional, I cannot stand the concept of a traditional “diet” - essentially, you are setting yourself up for failure. My three tips for you are moderation...
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    Exercise for Sleep

    Hi magikheart! I have an extensive background in fitness/sports, so hopefully I can help shed a bit of insight here. Working out immediately before bed actually is going to have the opposite of your desired effect (as you already know!) because of the endorphins flowing through your body...
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    Living mindfully

    One of my ongoing goals (for about a year now) is practicing mindfulness in my day-to-day. In my line of work, we place a big emphasis on working on mindfulness with clients. As I began to see the positive effects that it was having on those I worked with, I thought it might be time to start...
