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Smartphone Apps for Increased Organization


New member
This is going to sound very millennial of me, but I love using technology, especially smartphone apps, to organize my life and save money along the way. I currently use Wunderlist for general list-making, Hopper for vacation/flight planning, Mint for budgeting, and Shoptagr for saving on online shopping. Are there any other must-have apps you recommend to maximize productivity or save money?


Productivity wise, I'd say any pomodoro app is good. If you enjoy RPG games, maybe Habitica would be a good choise, it's a task manager but with a game design (you go on quests and gain experience).

Daylio is kind of a journal, but made really simple, you just put what activities you made the day and how you felt through the day. Evenualy you'll get some statistics about what activities make you feel how, that really helps with planning on the long term.

SleepAndroid to manage your sleep cycle (it's quite good to be honest)

Also trello for projects.
