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Remembering Names


New member
You know when you're introduced to someone new and you're so focused on smiling, shaking their hand, and making a good first impression that you completely blank on the name they just told you five seconds before? That happens to me all the time and it's the worst. I told my boss about it. I didn't want her to think that it was a reflection of my lack of attention or care for the new person I was meeting. She agreed and said she struggled with the same exact thing until she tried a new trick.

She's a director in charge of 60 people. Every time she gets a new hire, she keeps their photo on her computer desktop and says their name as often as she can that week, whether it's a hello or how you doing in the elevator. It's the reason why she's able to remember everyone's name within a week of knowing them. It's incredibly impressive. I've tried it myself! If you're ever stuck, give it a go!


New member
That's a great idea! That's also how I remember how words are spelled. If I have difficulty remembering how something is spelled, I write it down and paste it somewhere by my computer and constantly look at it so I can remember the spelling.
