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Forum and Posting Rules

NeuroSkillz Support Rohan

Staff member
1. All Post MUST be related to Seminars, services, products by TOP EXPERTS.

2. Only genuine resources about top experts should be shared.

3. All Posts that are nothing but a 'test' or an 'ad' will be deleted. We will be clipping them on a regular basis.

4. Promotional and referral/affiliate links are not allowed inside posts. Promotional Links are allowed only in the signature to our VIP Members only. Your posts will be deleted and account banned if it appears your sole interest is in SEO or advertising in between your posts.

5. Do not copy/upload copyrighted content except for snippets for a limited and “transformative” purpose, such as to comment upon, criticize, or parody a copyrighted work (fair use). Link to content on the web about which you would like to comment or discuss.

For a more detailed explanation of these rules, click here.
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