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Favorite Quote


New member
Hi There! What's your favorite quote or one you try to live by?

This one is my favorite. I collected it while traveling in Italy by myself. A man sat next to me and we started talking. Here's what he said:

"When I was your age, I traveled by myself like you too. I gave up everything I knew back at home and ran away to Paris. I had no clue what I'd do there, but I knew it was where I had to go. Lots of people would always ask me if I was lonely, and I always said no. They were astonished that for months, with no friends, I wouldn't feel 'lonely.' I started to feel as though maybe I should be lonely."

"Then I ran into someone and they asked me, 'Alone or lonely? Those are two very different things. Often times, people mistake them for one another. Which one are you?'"


"I've worked really hard on myself,
and I am stronger in a lot of ways than I used to be.
But I am always going to be impulsive. And depressed, with mood swings.
You know? I know I am not an easy person to love, but I love you.
I always have, and I always will."


New member
"The future belongs to those who prepare for it today." -Malcolm X

There are many versions of this quote, from everyone to Benjamin Franklin to The Old Testament. We live in a sowing and reaping world, and I believe that the meaning of this quote is one of the most important sentiments that you can have today.
