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Fast Typing

Nick Torn

New member
I think that one of the most important skill for me was fast typing. It helps me a lot when I studied and now I have many opportunities to use this in my work. Who have had such experience? Did it help for you in your life? Where did you learn about it and how you trained this skill? Where do you use it now and how it feels for you?


I can blind type since I was 12 because it was one of the only "games" on my mom's old computer. It has made such a difference for me! Without issue, I can write between 3000 and 5000 words a day without needing to stop and check back to see what I am writing. I actually feel weird when I look at people typing slowly, and get the urge to take the keyboard away from them :)


New member
I have been a touch-typist since my early high school years. My mother was a secretary, and took it upon herself to teach me the skill when she saw me struggling with the increasing number of homework assignments requiring typed papers. I'm not the best touch-typist, but it has been such a help throughout my life and I often still thank my mother for teaching me this skill. I got additional practice with typing speed from fandom based chatrooms and IMing my friends. My brain works faster than my handwriting allows. I like to write and typing is the best way to get all my thoughts out before they disappear.

Although, I must say that the worst thing that ever happened to me as far as touch-typing was concerned is the rise of the chiclet/island-style keyboard. I miss the contours of the keys. It helps with finger placement.


New member
I was a student in a district that had a pretty intense curriculum. I remember having to take typing classes as young as 7 or 8 years old. That had to be about 2nd or 3rd grade. I'd like to say I am excellent at typing -- as far as speed is concerned. I find the typing most helpful when I am training for a new job or taking notes at a seminar or something - typing up my notes beats pen and paper any day lol. I don't know about blind typing like Ssandra LOL. I don't HAVE to look at the keyboard, but I do often make errors which I notice and correct immediately. I feel the same way JessicaW feels about the change of keyboards though... sometimes the keys are just not right. I'm looking at my keyboard now and wondering since when did the backspace bar become so tiny???


New member
Same here a gamer since I was 5 yro and now I can blind type really fast, I am an office clerk in my job and everybody just freaks out when they see me typping really fast.
Where can someone learn to type quickly and accurately? I would love to improve. I am always typing for work and writing. Any suggestions??
