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    "Don't let yesterday take up too much of today."

    "Don't let yesterday take up too much of today"- Will Rogers A great quote about putting the past behind you. Don't dwell on the things you can't change, but keep pushing forward. Today is a brand new day of endless possibilities.
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    Why do we procrastinate and how do we stop

    I saw a self-help tip a few years ago. If it takes less than five minutes to complete a task, do it right away. Once you get started it is harder to just stop. This is great for the days that I don't want to do a chore around the house, usually laundry. Even though laundry can take a few...
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    Mindful Eating

    Mindful eating is great for preventing overeating. Your brain doesn't get the signal from your stomach that you are full until about 10-20 minutes later. Taking your time to eat lets your stomach and brain catch up and prevent you from overeating. Try and find a new recipe to try and take the...
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    Best way to learn language

    I've suggested this before in another thread, but I have found the iPhone app Duolingo to be very helpful for learning a new language. It feels more like a game than a class but you can really learn the basics. It has a great mix of written and listening exercises that help you speak, read...
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    The Life-Changing Magic of Tyding Up

    Has anyone read The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up? It is a Japanese method to clean and organize your home that hopefully leads to a more productive lifestyle. I have just started on my cleaning journey and was wondering if anyone else has used this method. Maybe you can share some tips...
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    Keep pushing forward even if you have setbacks.

    Someone once told me that you never need to wait and start over. Having a bad day at work? Just step back, take a deep breath, and give yourself a few moments to gather your thoughts. I try and apply that technique to everyday situations all the time. If I encounter a setback, no matter how...
