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  1. E

    Apps for depression/anxiety and growth

    I have struggled with anxiety/depression for a few years, and it tends to slowly seep in and fade out of my life that it’s really hard to know what causes my ups and downs. A while ago I started using the free version of the app Pacifica (I think I tried one or two others). Generally I like it...
  2. E

    Reading and Learning as a form of success

    I often try to find success is personal development by reading books that I think might help me “adult” or understand the world better simply by researching the topic online or through books. Some of the things I try to read up on are personal finance and investing, geography, astrology...
  3. E

    Self Confidence

    I sometimes catch myself getting really down on myself about my skills and my perceived inherent value, and it can start to feel really toxic and hard to get out of. I don't feel like meditation/affirmations has done a whole lot for me-- it sometimes feels very hollow to tell myself things that...
