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  1. E

    Apps for depression/anxiety and growth

    I have struggled with anxiety/depression for a few years, and it tends to slowly seep in and fade out of my life that it’s really hard to know what causes my ups and downs. A while ago I started using the free version of the app Pacifica (I think I tried one or two others). Generally I like it...
  2. E

    Skin care routine

    I loveeee having a skin care routing that is simple and effective. I use baby oil to remove mascara, natural African Black Soap every night (no harsh cleansers that make my skin burn), slather on a decent amount of unprocessed shea or cocoa butter, and dab pimples with a small bit of spot...
  3. E

    3-weeks Cigarette Free

    Congratulations! I never really considered myself a smoker other than the occasional pack maybe once every month or two. Recently though I got fairly hooked on Juuls (would not recommend if you’re trying to quit! They’re so strong and so accessible) and realized that I was really craving...
  4. E

    Reading and Learning as a form of success

    I often try to find success is personal development by reading books that I think might help me “adult” or understand the world better simply by researching the topic online or through books. Some of the things I try to read up on are personal finance and investing, geography, astrology...
  5. E

    The Alchemist by author Paulo Coelho review

    I absolutely adored listening to the audiobook of the alchemist from audible after being recommended the book so many times from my friends. It’s such a good, heartwarming story without being tedious or patronizing. It really draws you in with the main character and the sort of mystical aspect...
  6. E

    Self Confidence

    I agree, we aren’t meant to live life solitary and isolated! So great to have resources and friends to reach out to.
  7. E

    Self Confidence

    Thanks! I have done a bit of therapy over the years, and while I felt like it really did a lot for me in moments of crisis, in my daily life it hasn’t been particularly helpful. It’s fine, but an expensive and exhaustive exercise. That being said it can be really great to have a neutral and...
  8. E

    Self Confidence

    I sometimes catch myself getting really down on myself about my skills and my perceived inherent value, and it can start to feel really toxic and hard to get out of. I don't feel like meditation/affirmations has done a whole lot for me-- it sometimes feels very hollow to tell myself things that...
  9. E

    Coping with putting a dog down

    I understand where you're coming from. It's especially hard when you have to witness your pet go through a slow health decline. My own Labrador was having breathing problems for a really long time. When she could no longer walk the entire route of her beloved 2x daily walk, much less go on trail...
