Recent content by WendyM

  1. W

    Teacher Resources

    Another great resource is (it's free for teachers and students)...especially if you teach English.
  2. W

    Dealing With Change

    Why is it that some people are so resistant to change while others actually welcome (and need) change? What do you do when your significant other is the former and you are the latter, or vice-versa?
  3. W

    Healthy Arguments

    How do you engage in an argument with someone who is insistent on having the last word every single time?
  4. W

    If I could give my own TED Talk....

    If I could give my own TED Talk, it would be titled, "When Grades Matter More Than Knowledge -- Reversing the Trend." Students and parents are so fixated on grades these days that they no longer seem to care about learning.
  5. W

    Teen motivators

    It might be worth finding out if she's eating for emotional reasons; maybe she'd be willing to talk to a counselor or therapist. I was slightly overweight as a teenager, but the more my family commented on my weight and tried to control my diet, the more I ate when they weren't around. I...
  6. W

    The Struggles You Go Through Shape You

    Those who work through the difficulties in life become stronger and more resilient as a result. I've been a teacher for 13 years and what strikes me most is the number of parents who will do anything they can to prevent their children from struggling in any way, shape or form. These children...
  7. W

    "Those who don't believe in magic never find it." -- Roald Dahl

    Roald Dahl was one of my favorite authors when I was a kid and the quote you posted is the essence of many of his children's books (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The BFG, James and the Giant Peach, etc.). I totally agree with you that his thoughts about magic are universal; it's all about...
  8. W

    Pick-me-up music

    I love the songs "Build Me Up Buttercup" by The Foundations and "I'm a Believer" by Smashmouth (from the Shreck soundtrack). They always put me in a great mood!
  9. W

    Problems with sleep schedule

    Hi! I read a lot of health-related articles (from reliable sources like Prevention Magazine and the Mayo Clinic) and those on sleep disorders usually suggest the following tips: try not to consume any caffeinated beverages after 12:00 p.m.; if you exercise, do so in the morning rather than the...
  10. W

    A way out of procrastination and achieve your goals

    Hi Chris, Here's an idea that has worked for me. Start by completing one important task, then reward yourself by doing one unimportant task. The key for me is to set a timer for 10 to 20 minutes while working on the unimportant task so I don't get lost in it. Once the time is up, tackle...
  11. W

    Turning a Negative into a Positive

    I was recently diagnosed with osteoporosis and arthritis. Everything I've read about these conditions says that weight-bearing exercise is the key to keeping symptoms at bay and preventing further bone loss. I haven't exercised regularly for nearly a year due to the demands of my job, but I've...
  12. W

    Introverts in Jobs for Extroverts

    What strategies do you use to handle the exhaustion that comes from working in an extrovert-related job/profession when you are an introvert by nature?
  13. W

    Using Rubik's Cube as a Memory Enhancer

    I use a few different strategies to help me with my short-term memory deficits due to Attention Deficit Disorder. For things I need everyday at home like keys, glasses, etc.,I put them in the same spot each time I use them. I recently placed a small tray on a table in my foyer— right next to the...
