Recent content by Nicole_D

  1. N

    Financial Advice

    I seriously wish I could go back and kick my younger butt into shape when it came to finances! Saving money should be a key focus when you’re younger and just getting used to having a salary. Have the money automatically put into a separate savings, so you don’t even notice it. Whenever you get...
  2. N

    Favorite Quote by Dr. Seuss

    "Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment, until it becomes a memory." This quote is one of my favorites, because it applies to all aspects of life. Make the most of what is right in front of you - friends, family, pets. The people who make all your hard work in life worth it...
  3. N

    Inspirational Story

    I read this article some time ago, but am so moved by it I have to share. I hope that you find it just as inspiring! While the article is about a teacher who fights bullying in her classroom and school, I think the message applies...
  4. N

    Why do we procrastinate and how do we stop

    I also have trouble with procrastination. I go through cycles where I'm really good and able to keep myself on task and get a lot accomplished, and then I go through a period of time where nothing seems to get done. I find that breaking up the larger projects into smaller parts helps a lot...
