Recent content by krt2018

  1. K

    Quote of the Day

    Great reminder to start the week off with! Thanks for sharing
  2. K

    Eating Healthily

    That is so great, congratulations!! Keep it up!
  3. K

    Live the life you love | Love the life you live

    Just an end of week motivational reminder to be present in your life and grateful for what you have. If there are things in your life currently that you don't love, only you have the power to change your circumstances! It's easy to just keep on keeping on. Much harder to acknowledge when...
  4. K

    10,000 steps a day

    I work in an office, so step goals are hard to reach! I make it a point to get up and take a walk around our business park at least once or twice a day. It helps to get some fresh air and sunshine anyway :) Then I also walk my dogs in the evening. I can usually hit 6-8k, but 10k is hard. You...
  5. K

    Financial Advice

    Don't spend more on credit than what you already have in your bank account. Credit cards are not scary or bad! But they are not free money. You have to pay the bill. Just don't spend more than you have and you'll never get into trouble with credit cards.
  6. K

    Advice for kicking a sugar habit

    Also, just not buying sweets (or at the bad processed sweets) when you go grocery shopping helps with the temptation. If you don't have them in your house as a snack option, you won't eat them! Stock up on natural, good for you snacks.
  7. K

    "We become what we think about" - Earl Nightingale

    If you've never listened to this talk by Earl Nightingale on success, take a few minutes and give it a listen. It's great motivation for personal success!
  8. K

    Paying down student loans vs. saving for retirement

    We have a financial advisor come to speak to our company once a year and he has shown us the effect over time of paying down debt aggressively vs. saving for retirement. His research showed that if you spend years paying off your debt and NOT saving for retirement, you'll be worse off in the...
  9. K

    Morning sunlight gives me a super boost.

    Yesss, all the love for morning sunlight! I have found I am a much happier person (and in a better mood i.e. I am NOT a morning person) when I'm able to wake up to a room glowing with morning sun. I keep all our blinds in the house open or cracked for this reason. Sunlight just adds an extra...
