Recent content by kes29

  1. K

    How to pull yourself out a funk

    We've all been there. A bad day where it seems everything goes wrong. Or just maybe nothing goes right. Sometimes it's all too tempting to say "screw it!" and buy yourself some greasy fast food and your alcohol of choice and just unwind in front of the tv for the night. But, we all also know...
  2. K

    Goal: Pay off all intrest accruing debt by age 30

    Thank you! I'm waiting to hear back about 2 potential jobs - both waiting to hear if I make it to a third round interview. So. Fingers crossed! For me, I'm tackling my highest interest first. Hence the credit cards. I have 2 with a balance and 1 is closed now so I can't accrue more debt on it...
  3. K

    Goal: Pay off all intrest accruing debt by age 30

    I'm pretty fortunate in that financial aid and scholarships helped me through a Bachelors and Masters program with relatively little debt compared to my peers. But that being said, I lived in an obscenely expensive city for grad school and quickly found myself up to my ears in credit card debt...
  4. K

    Tips on job searching

    I keep getting offers to do a free trial for LinkedIn Pro but have been debating if it's really worth it or not. Do you think that it is? Even just a month's worth of Pro features? I've been unemployed about 3 weeks now and am definitely going stir crazy. Indeed is great! I tend to have the...
  5. K

    Young adult books

    The Outsiders was one of my favorite books I ever read in middle school. Plus, it's a pretty good movie too which is always a good draw to catch a young readers attention. I'm pretty sure I read Bridge to Terabithia in 6th or 7th grade. A rough book, but a very good book nonetheless. I...
  6. K

    Harry Potter quotes

    Often the media we consume tend to stick with us throughout life. For me, I grew up with Harry Potter and continue to appreciate it now that I'm an adult. Whenever I'm having a rough time I listen to an audio book or rewatch a movie. There's so much good, inspirational content in the series...
  7. K

    "All we have to decide is what to do with the time that's been given us"

    Another on the Lord of the Rings train, but it's one of my personal favorites: "Not all those who wander are lost." For me, I've lived in...4 states over the last 5 years. Just sort of moving where the wind blows me and adapting as I go. I know some of my family and friends view this as my...
  8. K

    Tips on job searching

    I've had the most success with showing my personality through my application. My resume is pretty standard, but when I really want a job I modify my cover letter so that it's the one that sticks out from the crowd. I'm not saying go wild and crazy, but making it sound like you took the time to...
  9. K

    "All we have to decide is what to do with the time that's been given us"

    Ahh I love this quote. I find myself thinking of it often when I'm getting overwhelmed with an ever-growing to-do list. I think the best part is the reminder that we all have the same 24 hours. We get to chose how to spend it (within reason. There are some things that are nonnegotiable such as...
  10. K

    How to deny my sweet tooth

    I try not to entirely eliminate anything from my diet. There's a lot of research out there that by labeling something "off limits" it just makes it all the more tempting. The whole "forbidden fruit" concept. Instead of denying yourself it, maybe exercise better portion control. Read the serving...
  11. K

    Stress at Work

    For me it really depends on what the cause of the stress actually is. If it's something strictly work-related like a specific project or deadline, or something like that I can usually just power through. I handle stress by destroying the thing stressing me out. Big project has me worried? Make...
