Recent content by jtribbett1

  1. J

    Growing up with your own child

    I appreciate your response. I think I need to do a little self reflection. Thank you!
  2. J

    Growing up with your own child

    I'm 22 years old and I'm the mother of an incredible 3-year-old boy. When I found out I was pregnant with him, I was in complete shock. I was the kind of person who basically had their entire life planned and was a complete control freak. Having him humbled the hell out of me. I had to learn...
  3. J

    I came for the work, stayed for the content.

    Dido! I have never encountered a forum like this before. I remember in high school when forum sites were all about drama! But based on the thoughtful questions and answers, this is definitely a community I want to be a part of.
  4. J

    Daring Greatly: Engaged Feedback Checklist – Brene Brown

    Thank you for sharing! I have listened to Brene Brown on some of my favorite podcasts and I made a note to read her books. Very insightful. But to answer your questions: I give positive feedback by first checking myself and understanding what the person is saying/doing. I recognize that I have...
  5. J

    The Alchemist by author Paulo Coelho review

    Same. When I first read this book, that quote really spoke to me. It's the one book that I will always recommend to friends and it's an amazing story for self-reflection and motivation. I kept a journal next to me when I read it the first time and I still find things to take note of when I...
  6. J

    Parenting Goals

    Thank you for that! I tend to overthink things so I appreciate this more than you know.
  7. J

    I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings - Maya Angelou

    I loved this book. She writes in such a graceful way but it really packs a punch. I am in awe of all of her work because she is able to capture the black experience in a way that I don't think any other author has done before. She resonates with black folks across generations. I refer to her as...
  8. J

    Parenting Goals

    When it comes to making career and self-development goals, I am the master. I pretty much accomplish whatever I put my mind on... I guess because I'm somewhat in control. But when it comes to parenting I'm a mess. I can't control my child and I don't want to but I want to be the best parent for...
  9. J

    Stressful Parenting

    I'm a mother of a 3-year-old and I definitely overwhelm myself with literature on how to be a good parent. But I think the bottom line of it all is to step back from the situation and really listen to what your child is trying to tell you through their actions. My son has a speech delay which is...
  10. J

    Finding Comfort While Being Uncomfortable

    I recently moved to a new state with my husband and son. We had to move in with my mom and her "roommate" to save up money to buy our own place. My mom is an angel but her "roommate" is definitely not. But over this past year I have gotten closer to God and have had to rely on my faith and let...
