Recent content by Andre_Forlan

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    Things You Need To Know About The Book: Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy

    Yes, this is a book for people like me; procrastinators. Eat that Frog is one of the best productivity books that I've ever read. It taught me the benefits of hyper-focusing on a task at a time. Just as the title depicts, a frog is the least animal you could ever find attractive. Now, try...
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    My journey in dealing With Procrastination.

    I can relate with the feeling. I've also considered getting professional help, but for now, I use my Evernote app to list my activities for the day. I start with the most unpleasant and uninteresting tasks before moving on to simpler ones. In addition to this, I try to limit the time spent...
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    My journey in dealing With Procrastination.

    Thank you for that brain hack.
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    Waking up at 5:30 AM

    Ha, the age of ideologies. Most people fail to realize that what works for their neighbors might not apply to them. Yes, the sunrise is beautiful if you are lucky to be awake to see. However, you don't have to lose a few hours of extra sleep just to see it. Just like Allison E, I am not a...
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    My journey in dealing With Procrastination.

    Yes, I'm a procrastinator, and a chronic one at that. How did I find out? Well, I found myself living from deadline to deadlines; from late submissions to multiple rejections. It was fun at first. Yes, the adrenalin rush that flows through you, as you brainstorm on different ideas while trying...
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    Dealing with the toxic people in your life

    When I replied to your post about toxic people, I failed to realize that I had one as a close friend. Toxic people always have a rain cloud hanging over their heads - they will always look for ways to make you feel and less sure about yourself. Funny enough, I endured for 4 years. Do you know...
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    Dealing with the toxic people in your life

    Yes, it's really hard to end relationship with family. I would advise talking about it with that family member. Just my two cents
